Methylene Blue

Methylene Blue BP 2000

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Product Description


Name Of Product: Methylene Blue BP 2000
Pharmacopoeial Name: Methylene Blue BP 2000
Synonyms:Methylene Blue ; Basic Blue 9 ; C.I 52015 ; Methylene Blue Trihydrate
CAS No:61-73-4 (anhydrous) / 7220-79-3 (trihydrate)



Sr. NoCriteriaLimit/SpecificationOur Results
1.AppearanceDark Blue Crystalline Powder with a Copper- colored Sheen, or Green Crystals with a bronze-colored sheen.Dark Green Crystals with a bronze-colored sheen.
2.SolubilityMust Pass TestPasses Test
3.IdentificationMust Pass A to D Tests Of B.PPasses Tests Of B.P
4.Loss On Drying (At 75˚C)Limit: IN BETWEEN 8.0%-22.0%8.0 – 13.5 %
5.Sulphated Ash TestNMT 0.25%<0.1 %
6.Related SubstancesImpurity A (Limit: Max.5.0%)
Any other Impurity
(Limit: Max.0.5%)
Sum Of impurity Other then A (Limit: Max. 1.0%)
Disregard Limit: Limit (0.1%)
2.5 – 4.0 %
a) Not Detected
b) Not Detected
c) 0 %
7.Heavy MetalsMust Comply as per BPComplies with BP
9.Assay (With Reference To Subs.
Dried At 105˚C & As % Of
(C 16H 18N 3ClS).H 2O
MINIMUM 95.0% TO 101.0% MAXIMUM98.0 – 100.0 %


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